Events/Photo Gallery

Assistant High Commission of India, Rajshahi inaugurated an exhibition on "Partition Horrors Remembrance Day" today in the Chancery premises of AHCI, Rajshahi. The exhibition was inaugurated by Sh. Manoj Kumar, AHC, Dr. Samil uddin Ahmed, MP , Mr. Fazle Hossain Badsha, MP, & former State Minister Mrs. Zinatun Nesa Talukdar. The event was attended by various dignitaries like VC of North Bengal International University, former VC of Rajshahi University, Freedom fighters, local politicians, Business communities , journalists and students of various colleges. The exhibition will be displayed from 14-17 August, 2023. You all are cordially invited to take a look of the exhibition.

August 17, 2023

Assistant High Commission of India, Rajshahi inaugurated an exhibition on
Assistant High Commission of India, Rajshahi inaugurated an exhibition on
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