Events/Photo Gallery

Assistant High Commission of Indian, Rajshahi celebrated #nationalsportsday2023 on August 29, 2023, with great enthusiasm. The event aimed to promote physical fitness aligning with theme for this year “Sports as an enabler for an inclusive and fit society" . Staff members actively participated in various sports and games. The diverse range of activities included tennis ball cricket, badminton, chess, plank challenge etc. AHC, Sh. Manoj Kumar administered ‘FIT India fitness pledge’. The pledge was taken by the AHCI staff member, their family and students of the college. The event was covered by local media.

August 29, 2023

Assistant High Commission of Indian, Rajshahi celebrated #nationalsportsday2023 on August 29, 2023, with great enthusiasm. The event aimed to promote physical fitness aligning with theme for this year “Sports as an enabler for an inclusive and fit society
Assistant High Commission of Indian, Rajshahi celebrated #nationalsportsday2023 on August 29, 2023, with great enthusiasm. The event aimed to promote physical fitness aligning with theme for this year “Sports as an enabler for an inclusive and fit society
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